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Battlefield 2 lan bots hinzufugen

Battlefield 2 lan bots hinzufugen

Download Battlefield 2 lan bots hinzufugen

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Die Anzahl der Bots einstellen die ihr wahlen wollt hier aiSettings.setMaxNBots 64 Need to know how to add bots on Battlefield 2 Local server? Adding bots is a pretty simple task and can be easily done in a matter of minutes.

However, there is a limit to the amount of bots you can add to your "Battlefield 2 Local" server, 32 bots to be exact. This limit can easily be bypassed, which will also be discussed here.Before you proceed to bypass the bot limit, make sure that you actually want more than 32 bots.

Adding more bots can slow down your computer and lag your game because adding more bots to your local server uses more of your CPUs. If you truly want to add more bots, read on.

If not, skip this step.� Bypassing the bot limit. Go to your "Battlefield 2" Installation directory, usually located at: C:Program FilesEA GamesBattlefield 2. Go to this path, and open the 'mods' folder.� Now, proceed to the 'bf2' folder. Then, open the 'AI' folder.� Finally, open the file with Notepad. Firstly, add "rem" to the beginning of the third to the fifth lines that start with "aisettings."� Then, remove the "rem" from the beginning of the sixth to ninth lines that start with "aisettings."� Now, go to the line that says: 'aiSettings.setMaxNBots 32'.� Change the '32' to the amount of bots you want, for example '64.' Now, save your file.� Open Battlefield 2.

Since you're running a local server, you'll need to open "Battlefield 2" to do so. Open "Battlefield 2" and click on 'Multiplayer' at the top of your screen.� Set up the local server. Now, click on 'Create Local,' which is right under the 'Singleplayer' button. Now, you should see a drop list next to some text that says 'Game Mode' near the bottom left side of the screen.

Click on the drop list and click on 'Co-op.' Now, change all the game settings you want in the necessary area. When you get to the number of bots, slide the slider for the number of bots all the way to the right side of the bar.

You will notice that it still says '32.' However, when you load up the server there will be 64 bots.� Start the server. Start your server and enjoy the game! � How to Turn (Almost) Every Lady�s HeadTop female stylists share their favorite men�s looks.� 10 Red Flags That Kill Your Chances With WomenWondering why that first date didn�t lead to a second? Read on.� 6 Signs the Beard Is Just Not Working for YouYou may need to grab a razor and ditch the facial fuzz. Related Articles Reccomended for You Introducing Made Man Mixology.

New Channel! 50+ excellent cocktail recipes for the making and sharing.How to Compliment Women Without Being a Skeeze or CatcallerGUYDES: How to be Suave at a BarMy Week As Hemingway, or Oh Yes, There Will Be Gin20 EASY WAYS TO UPGRADE YOUR LIFEDRESS SHARP: 5 KILLER SUIT TIPSLoad More Site Information� Archives� Site Map� RSS FeedThis site is part of the Defy Media Men's Lifestyle network.� Home� Style� Food & Drink� Entertainment� Tech & Gear� Lifestyle� Sports� Video Series� Women� Saved Items I want to run a two PC LAN Co-Op BF2 setup so I can play with my friend at the weekends but my heads spinning a bit having read a few threads, many of which are very old and/or have broken links, so it would be really helpful if someone could help me out with some current advice.From what I've read, it seems I should use v1.4 rather than 1.5 as the latter has broken AI commander.

The latest version I have installed is 1.5.3.x. Does that still have broken AI and how does that manifest, as playing a quick SP game with bots I was getting orders from the commander?Is this still the way to play a Co-Op LAN game with bots? "To start a LAN game with bots (using an offline account):1. On the machine that will be the server, start a Multiplayer game on a 16-player map that is also available in Single Player mode (e.g.

Strike at Karkand). You have to add the map to start a game.2. Once the server's ready (Join Game button appears), have the client(s) all go to the Multiplayer option, Join Local and then Update/Refresh the list, just to get the game to appear on the list, then highlight the game, but don't press Join Game yet. You just want the network game to appear on this list.3.

Kill the Multiplayer game you started on the server by hitting ESC then Disconnect. Then, still on the server, start a Single Player game on the same level you selected earlier (e.g. Strike at Karkand). Once it's loaded and the Join Game button appears, have all the client PCs hit join on their screens. When they're all loaded you can all hit Join Game and play with bots plus however many human players you added.You're basically tricking the game into letting client PCs join a Single Player game with bots.

If you have an online account, you can just use the "Join IP" button and jump into any single player game that you have running if you know the server's IP address.NOTES:- To set the number of bots, just edit this file (Notepad) by following the instructions (64 is the practical max):C:Program FilesEA GAMESBattlefield"Will I be able to play on any map on any mod with bots using this technique?

I presume I have to edit the for each mod separately? Currently I've got AIX2, PR, AIX2 battlefield 2 lan bots hinzufugen mod, Stargate, FH2, NAW, US Intervention, Sniper's Realm 2, Global Storm. I've got shortcuts to launch each of them but is there a utility that will let me select the mod and number of bots, etc?

I've got BF2SPCC but I'm not sure how I'd use that in combination with the above trick to play Co-Op with bots. I don't think PR can be launched that way though, as it insists on being started with it's own pr.exe.Is it still worth running a separate server and assigning it to core 0 and 1 of my Phenom II X4 955 and running the client on cores 2 and 3 or will it not make any difference on modern systems?Lastly, are there any of those mods (or default maps) that will be more suitable for two players with bots?

Obviously we'll have to play through a few to find which ones we prefer but I just want to avoid wasting time and boring my friend trying to play mods/maps that are totally unsuitable for that. The way to setup a game that you've quoted is years old, before they added Co-op that is now built into the game. Now you create a Singleplayer account when you first install the game, click on the Multiplayer tab, host a local game, and choose Co-op gameplay mode when you pick maps for playing.

Your friend would then go the Multiplayer tab and click join local to find your game and join.BF2 ver 1.4 is recommended as the Commander AI is botched past BF2 ver 1.5.Project Reality has to be launched through it's own .exe.All the bot supported mods are worth 2 player fun. I highly recommended using AIX 2.0 primarily, it was built with bots in mind and has AI enhancements (among other additions) that really enhance the offline experience.

To keep it fun you want to load battlefield 2 lan bots hinzufugen right amount of AI for the map you play to populate the map, according to your desired playstyle experience.Be sure to read the BF2/2142 Frequently Asked Questions Thread Sticky. Lots of helpful info for people new to BF2. Many of your questions would be answered there.- The way to setup a game that you've quoted is years old, before they added Co-op that is now built into the game.

Now you create a Singleplayer account when you first install the game, click on the Multiplayer tab, host a local game, and choose Co-op gameplay mode when you pick maps for playing. Your friend would then go the Multiplayer tab and click join local to find your game and join.BF2 ver 1.4 is recommended as the Commander AI is botched past BF2 ver 1.5.Project Reality has to be launched through it's own .exe.All the bot supported mods are worth 2 player fun.

I highly recommended using AIX 2.0 primarily, it was built with bots in mind and has AI enhancements (among other additions) that really enhance the offline experience. To keep it fun you want to load the right amou� Home� PS4 & Xbox One� Files� Mods� Patches� Demos� Tools� Map� Client� Addons� Freeware� Skins� Articles� News� Reviews� Features� Hardware� Modding� Walkthroughs� Cheats� Games� Contact us� � Battlefield 2� Add Ons� BF2 Armored Fury� BF2 Euro Force� BF2 Modern Combat� BF2 Special Forces� Customization� Demos� Maps� Maps Levels Missions� Media� Models� Modifications� News Updates� Official Demos� Official Patches� Official Server Files� Patches� Skins� Tools� Tools and Utilities� Trainers� Unofficial PatchesSort By: 784,296 downloadsUploaded:31/08/2009 Battlefield 2 Patch v1.5BF2_Patch_1.50.exe | 1.93 GBThis is the long-awaited version 1.50 patch for Battlefield 2.

In addition to making all content from both expansions free-to-play, it includes a number of bug fixes and gameplay tweaks. 209,571 downloadsUploaded:14/03/2008 Project Reality Client Levels Filespr_0756_levels_setup.exe | 931.8 MBMore information on this mod can be found in the [url=""]Project Reality Wiki[/url]. 178,965 downloadsUploaded:21/11/2005 Battlefield 2 v1.12 Patchbf2_patch_112.exe | 280.65 MBThis patch for Battlefield 2 updates the game to v1.12.

Improves compatibility between the original game and the Special Forces add-on. 163,721 downloadsUploaded:10/10/2005 BF2 SP Bot Changer (2.1) | 67.14 KBBF2 SP Bot Changer is a tool to change the AI settings for BF2, including the orginal BF2 and all single player mods. 160,491 downloadsUploaded:04/09/2006 Battlefield 2 v1.3 to v1.4 PatchBF2_Incremental_Patch_1.3_1.4.exe | 140.25 MBAn incremental patch taking v1.3 to v1.4.

This patch includes gameplay tweaks and bug fixes. 150,585 downloadsUploaded:06/08/2006 Total Battlefield 2 Map Pack 3totalbf2_map_pack_3.exe | 226.81 MBfrom the various mirrors to date). Today the team is proud to present their third Battlefield 2 map-pack for release, they're confident the quality of maps in this release even surpass the two previous.

The pack is made up of various tested and tweaked custom maps made by the community. The maps included are: * Insurgency on Alcatraz * Codename Valhalla * Operation Power Failure * Operation Yellow Dragon * Bocage 2005 * A.T.O.M You can view more information about each map [url=""]here[/url]. 122,322 downloadsUploaded:08/06/2007 A Bad | 39.79 MBan attack on a medical facility long enough for an evacuation to occur.

The author's briefing: [quote]A force of rebels is advancing on a USMC medical compound. Injured soldiers and civilians can't be evacuated before at least 20 hours. Rush to the defense point on the north bank of the river and hold them at all cost.

The rebels are expected out of the mountains in the southern side of the valley. Good luck soldiers![/quote] 118,871 downloadsUploaded:11/06/2007 A Bad | 39.79 MBBF2 SP-CQ-Coop. A force of rebels is advancing on a USMC medical compound.

Injured soldiers and civilians can't be evacuated before at least 20 hours. Rush to the defense point on the north bank of the river and hold them at all cost. 101,430 downloadsUploaded:22/01/2009 Project Reality v0.85 Corepr_0856_core_setup.exe | 1.81 GBThe Project Reality Mod and Black Sand Studios are proud to announce the official release of Project Reality v0.85! 91,164 downloadsUploaded:10/08/2006 Operation: Black Hawk Down - Single Player (v2.0) | 79.47 MBAt the outset it seemed to be a routine military activity, but it shaped up into a debacle.Two UH-60 Blackhawks have been downed by mutinous Arabians in the heavy occupied city of Hadid. 82,326 downloadsUploaded:14/07/2005 Battlefield 2 v1.02bf2patch_v_102.exe | 16.38 MBBattlefield 2 v1.02 is a HOTFIX that repairs the memory leak found in v1.01.

(This patch replaces all previous updates) 77,156 downloadsUploaded:28/04/2009 Stunting Soldiers + rWAR Mods Menu Music (1.0) | 2.22 MBThis is the menu music that appeared in both the mods Stunting Soldiers 0.4 and realisticWARFARE 0.1 (rWAR). 67,043 downloadsUploaded:12/06/2006 Allied Intent - Single Player | 799.63 MBbfsp 3.operation nightshift 4.Berlin 5.Stalingrad 6.Tank battle1 7.sonqhua night war 8.sharqi peninsula 9.Dalianplant1 10.Gazala BFDS V2 11.Gazala bfds 12.El Alamein BFDS V2 13.Project Island battlefield 2 lan bots hinzufugen Water Fight 65,535 downloadsUploaded:10/10/2005 BF2 Single Player 64 (1.03)bf2sp64_103.rar | 479.34 KBBF2SP64 is a modification for the full version of Battlefield 2 that will replace the original 16 player map sizes in single player with the much larger 64 player map sizes. 64,372 downloadsUploaded:22/01/2009 Project Reality v0.85 Levelspr_0856_levels_setup.exe | 1.42 GBThe Project Reality Mod and Black Sand Studios are proud to announce the official release of Project Reality v0.85! 60,419 downloadsUploaded:01/07/2007 Sandbox 0.5sandbox5_installer.exe | 95.61 MB[urlFinal Fantasy 14 - GMs stecken Spieler zur Belehrung in virtuellen Knast Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered - Gibt es doch eine separate Version?

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von SkeeveDeus Ex: Mankind Divided - Von exklusiven Klos und exklusiven Spielinhalten von TsabotavocGothic 2: Nacht des Raben - Gibt anderen Rollenspielen volles Pfund aufs Maul von MattisHammer Anderungsliste Patch v1.41================================================================================ Patch v1.4 ================================================================================BUG FIX- Fixed an extremely intermittent server crash bug.================================================================================ Patch v1.4 ================================================================================NEW CONTENT- New level: Road to Jalalabaad (Conquest 16-32-64, Singleplayer, Co-op) - New Server Option: No Vehicles modeGAMEPLAY TWEAKS- The vehicle drop has been modified to help prevent exploits such as blocking enemy vehicles, destroying vehicles and commander assets, or as an alternative to artillery.

- C4 tossing distance has been reduced. - A prone->crouch delay has been added.BUG FIXES- Fixed the Linux server hangs when trying to load a Special Forces Co-Op map. - Another attempt at fixing the Red/Blue nametag bug. - Fixed the missing server info on the map briefing screen. - Fixed the server browser issues with updating info. - Fixed the filter by maps size option in the server browser. - Fixed a low reproducibility crash bug related to the vehicle drop.

- Fixed a crash in Co-op after a player is revived without a kit. - Fixed a server crash on Linux 32 when trying to rotate maps in Coop Mode. - Fixed the occasionnal red distance marker appearing on the ground.

- Fixed the bug that caused the player's arms to become invisible when switching weapons. - Co-Op bot console commands now function on local servers. - Fixed the excessive damage taken by the Muscle Car. - Adjusted the minimum number of players to start the round on ranked servers.

The new values for 16, 32 and 64 players are 6, 8 and 8 respectively. - Re-enabled unlocks on unranked servers. - Commander options are no longer available whilst commander is dead. - Fixed bug where a spawn point is shown as selected when it is not if player has spawned in during the preview round. - Co-Op (Local Server) - Fixed the issue where no other players may join the server if the server host is kicked and banned.

- Ranked Servers now force unlocks. - Added support for multiple gamemodes in single maplist for mods.Front End:- Front end - Fix server browser issues with updating info - Front End - Multiplayer & Co-op - Players on server list can include Bots instead of human players - Multiplayer Internet Server maps size filter not working - Fixed an issue in the front end where pressing tab twice in the IP window would cause the cursor to skip to wrong boxGame Server:- Increased server stability - All levels - Co-op - Crash after reviving player without a kit- 1st attempt Server - Linux 32 Dedicated - Server crashes when trying to rotate maps in Special Forces Co-op Mode (fixed on SUSE only.

Still present in Red Hat and Fedora) - Adjust the minimum number of players to start the round.The new values for 16, 32 and 64 players are 6, 6 and 8 respectively. - Re-enable unlocks on unranked servers - Ranked server forces unlocks i.e. have to have unlocks selected. - Coop - Local Server - If Server Host is kicked and banned although they do not actually get kicked, no other players may join the server after that point. - Fixed a dedicated server crash which was occurring when the user held "CTRL" and "SHIFT" while selecting a map - Fixed a crash which would occur when c4 was placed on a flag pole and the server rotated maps - Vehicle drop crash related bug (missing icon) - Co-Op bot console commands do not function on local servers.Client / Gameplay:- Red/Blue nametag buSo my brother and I picked up a couple copies of Battlefield 2 the other day cause we liked Battlefield 1942 so much as a LAN game.

One thing that made the LAN game so fun when it was just me and my brother was the fact that we had lots of other "bots" on our team, as well as a "bot" enemy. Basically, we want it to be JUST LIKE the single player, with all the bots, except BOTH me and him in the same game.

But as we tried to play a LAN game, we realized it was just me and him.The question is: Is there ANY way to add bots to the game?We tried running a Dedicated Server and settings the TEAM RATIO to a lot higher than 100% but nothing happened with that either. Anything we can do? If not, we're gonna return itThanksMike found that.

im waiting TWENTY minutes in line though to download it. Just incase this doesnt help me, Im going to leave this thread up.ThanksEDIT: This is what that TXT file saidIf you have any amount of computers interlinked this will work. For this to work start a single player game. then with the other computers go to join lan game and click join ip.the reson for this is because it wont show up in the browser. once you have opened that type in the ip where it says typ it in.

you will join Hisher singleplayer game and there you have it a game with bots on a lan network.problem is, there is no JOIN IP. is there? go to local i believe. instead of multiplayer. when u make the map just dont pick conquest.I'll try it tmrw and give u a better explanation im seepy.

but u can do it. jsut not fun as online thoguh. Once you're in the game go to Create Local.Then this:If you dont have this you may need the latest patch. 1.3 I believe.Have fun!!!Depending on where you live. Internet has really gone down in price. for the price you pay 56k you can ge a DSL package which MAY allow u to play online. So my brother and I picked up a couple copies of Battlefield 2 the other day cause we liked Battlefield 1942 so much as a LAN game.

One thing that made the LAN game so fun when it was just me and my brother was the fact that we had lots of other "bots" on our team, as well as a "bot" enemy. Basically, we want it to be JUST LIKE the single player, with all the bots, except BOTH me and him in the same game. But as we tried to play a LAN game, we realized it was just me and him.The question is: Is there ANY way to add bots to the game?We tried running a Dedicated Server and settings the TEAM RATIO to a lot higher than 100% but nothing happened with that either.

Anything we can do? If not, we're gonna return itThanksMike Click to expand.Don't get rid of the game just yet! Here's a walkthrough I made for playing a Co-op LAN game with 64-bots, 2000+ tickets. I'm currently using it with patch 1.3 and it works with expansion packs Special Forces, Euro Force and Armored Fury. Just remember to back up all your files because you can ruin your BF2 load.You only need to edit the files on whatever PC is your server. Editing any of the client PC's files can lead to the dreaded, "modified content" error.To start a LAN game with bots (using an offline account):1.

On the machine that will be the server, start a Multiplayer game on a 16-player map that is also available in Single Player mode (e.g. Strike at Karkand). You have to add the map to start a game.2. Once the server's ready (Join Game button appears), have the client(s) all go to the Multiplayer option, Join Local and then Update/Refresh the list, just to get the game to appear on the list, then highlight the game, but don't press Join Game yet.

You just want the network game to appear on this list.3. Kill the Multiplayer game you started on the server by hitting ESC then Disconnect. Then, still on the server, start a Single Player game on the same level you selected earlier (e.g. Strike at Karkand). Once it's loaded and the Join Game button appears, have all the client PCs hit join on their screens. When they're all loaded you can all hit Join Game and play with bots plus however many human players you added.You're basically tricking the game into letting client PCs join a Single Player game with bots.

If you have an online account, you can just use the "Join IP" button and jump into any single player game that you have running if you know the server's IP address.NOTES:- To set the number of bots, just edit this file (Notepad) by following the instructions (64 is the practical max):C:Program FilesEA GAMESBattlefield 2modsbf2AIAIDefault.aiI tried up to 255 bots, and it works great, but always crashes to desktop after a couple of minutes.- Depending on your setup, the server PC will be hit hard as it does all the heavy lifting processing the AI for 64 bots and thus freeing up the client PCs to run smoother.

A dedicated PC is for this job is recommended. Warning: you can only call for artillery strikes, supplies, UAV, etc. on this server PC,

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