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2016 Medicare Supplement Insurance Industry SummitThe only national conference 100% focused on Medicare SupplementApril 25 - 27, 2016, Kansas City, MO. Expecting Our Largest Medigap Conference To Date . DON'T MISS IT! CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM PRINT - COMPLETE AND SUBMIT THIS REGISTRATION FORM You may submit via fax or Email attachment THRU THURSDAY, APRL 9.After Thursday, print and bring with you to the Conference Registration Desk.CLICK HERE NOW to open a printable PDF THAT WILL PRINT MORE CLEARLY.Click Here For A WORD DOC You Can Complete And Email Back to 2016 Medicare Supplement Insurance Industry SummitThe only national conference 100% focused on Medicare SupplementApril 25 - 27, 2016, Kansas City, MO.

Expecting Our Largest Medigap Conference To Date . DON'T MISS IT! HOTEL INFORMATION-RESERVATIONS Hilton Hotel, Orlando Lake Buena VistaThe 2015 Medicare Supplement Insurance Conference will be held at the Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista, located in the Walt Disney World� Resort.Address: 1751 Hotel Plaza Boulevard, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, 32830Phone: 1-407-827-4000SPECIAL CONFERENCE RATES AVAILABLILITY UPDATEUPDATED MARCH 19, 2015The Hilton Hotel informs us they confegence completely sold out for our conference dates (though you can feel free to call directly to see if any availability exists.We have a small block of discounted rooms for conference attendees at the Holiday Inn which is located immediately next door.

This is a large holiday Inn and was recently rennovated, so rooms are nice(r).RESERVE ROOMS AT THE HOLIDAY INN, Starting at $109We supplemennt arranged a discounted rate for conference attendees with the Holiday Inn. This hotel is located immediately next to the Hilton (divided by a large parking lot).Click This Link To Reserve Holiday Inn Rooms NowIf you find rooms ARE NOT AVAILABLE, please call our offices at (818) 597-3205.CONFERENCE SCHEDULE:Monday: April 13 - Exhibits Open 2 PM / Welcome Reception: 5 - 7 PMTuesday, April 14 - Sessions all day.

Breakfast, Luncheon, Evening receptionWednesday, April 15 - Sessions all day. Breakfast, Luncheon. Conference concludes around 4:30 PM AIRLINE & CAR RENTAL DISCOUNTS - TRANSPORTATION TO THE HOTELThe Hilton Hotel is approximately 15 miles from Orlando Airport (MCO). A taxi costs about $55-$65 each way. Mears Transportation provides shuttle van service for $22 one way / $36 roundtrip. You can find them at Baggage Claim. � Medicare Supplement Insurance Costs� Long Term Care� Long Term Care Insurance Costs� Long Term Care Insurance Rates� Free Long Term Care Insurance Guides� Long Term Care Reviews Ratings� Critical Illness Insurance� Short Term Care Insurance� Short-Term Care Insurance Insurance information� New York Long Term Care Partnership� Connecticut Long Term Care Partnership� Virtual Insurance Conferences 2016 Medicare Supplement Insurance Industry Cpnference only national conference 100% focused on Medicare SupplementApril 25 - 27, 2016, Kansas City, MO.

Expecting Our Largest Medigap Conference To Date . DON'T MISS IT! HOTEL INFORMATION-RESERVATIONS Westin Kansas City and Crown CenterThe 2016 Medicare 2015 medicare supplement conference Insurance Conference will be held at the Westin Kansas City at Crown Center.Address: 1 E Pershing Rd, Kansas City, MO 64108Phone: 1-816-474-4400RESERVE ROOMSIf you want a room at the Westin, visit their website and book at the best-available rateClick here to book rooms at the Westin Crown CenterConference attendees are entitled to special advantages, like free Internet in rooms.

Tell the front desk that you are a late registrant but would like these benefits.CONFERENCE SCHEDULE:Monday: April 25 - Selling Medicare Supplement - Free Workshop For Agents (9 AM - 3 PM)2016 MEDICARE Suppleemnt SUMMITMonday: April 25 - Exhibits Open 2 PM / Welcome Reception: 5 - 7 PMTuesday, April 26 - Sessions all day. Breakfast, Luncheon, Evening receptionWednesday, April 27 - Sessions connference day. Breakfast, Luncheon.Conference concludes around 4:30 PM - many attendees will remain for networking events organized by sponsors.TRANSPORTATION TO THE HOTELThe Westin Kansas City is approximately 20 miles from Kansas City Airport (MCO).A taxi costs about $50 each way.Super Shuttle is $18 one way (less for a roundtrip).

You can find them at Baggage Claim. � Medicare Supplement Insurance Costs� Long Term Care� Long Term Care Insurance Costs� Long Term Care Insurance Rates� Free Long Term Care Insurance Guides� Long Term Care Reviews Ratings� Critical Illness Insurance� Short Term Care Insurance� Short-Term Care Insurance Insurance information� New York Long Term Care Partnership� Connecticut Long Term Care Partnership� Virtual Insurance Conferences 2016 Medicare Supplement Insurance Industry SummitThe only national conference 100% focused on Medicare SupplementApril 25 - 27, 2016, Kansas City, MO.

Expecting Our Largest Medigap Conference To Date . DON'T MISS IT! 2015 MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT INSURANCE CONFERENCE PROGRAM INFORMATION 7th National Forum - Orlando, Florida - April 13-15, 2015Don't miss the only national conference exclusively focused on Medicare Supplement insurance.ISSUES & TRENDS IN MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT INSURANCE brings together the nation's leading Medigap insurers, actuarial and administrative firms, marketing organizations and consultants.IF YOU MARKET, SELL, PRICE, ADMINISTER AND SUPPORT MED SUPP INSURTANCE, this is the event to attend.

This conference has SOLD OUT in the past so please do NOT wait until the last minute.Why You Should Attend The conrerence National Med Supp Industry ConferenceAn outstanding program featuring the industry leaders as presenters.Enormous networking opportunities with folks you've wanted 2015 medicare supplement conference meet - they'll likely be here.The latest information from Regulatory and Compliance experts supplemwnt directly from the NAIC Spring meeting)Because this truly has become the national gathering for the Med Supp industry.

An event only held every 18 months. Who Should Attend?Anyone who� MARKETS� SELLS� PRICES� ADMINISTERS & SUPPORTS MED SUPP INSURANCE and other senior-related products.The conference organizing committee includes leading industry experts who are committed to putting together a relevant program.

We look forward to seeing you in Orlando. Questions - Exhibiting or Sponsorship Opportunities - Call UsConference Organizer: American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance818-597-3205We prefer phone calls over Emails (helps cut down on spam).The 1-Day Virtual Conference Broadcast - Selling Medicare SupplementCan't attend? Don't miss watching the free online broadcast of sessiuons live from the 2015 Medicare Supplement Insurance conference.

Free access to watch supplementt any computer or tablet.Click Here Now To Learn MoreAddressAmerican Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance(AAMSI)3835 Thousand Oaks Blvd. Suite 336Westlake Village, CA 91362 Sponsorship - Exhibit OpportunitiesOr Conference QuestionsCall (818) 597-3205Medicare Supplement SummitExhibit PackageClick To Request The 2017 PackageShort-Term Care Insurance SummitExhibit PackageClick To Request The 2017 Package � Medicare Supplement Insurance Costs� Long Term Care� Long Term Care 2015 medicare supplement conference Costs� Long Term Care Insurance Rates� Free Long Term Care Insurance Guides� Long Term Care Reviews Ratings� Critical Illness Insurance� Short Term Care Insurance� Short-Term Care Insurance Insurance information� Mediacre York Long Term Care Partnership� Connecticut Long Term Care Partnership� Virtual Insurance Conferences 2016 Medicare Supplement Insurance Industry SummitThe only national conference 100% focused on Medicare SupplementApril 25 - 27, 2016, Kansas City, MO.

Expecting Our Largest Medigap Conference To Date . DON'T MISS IT! WATCH CONFERENCE RECORDINGS Watch Recordings Of Sessions From the National Medigap SummitsPLUS - FOR Confetence - THE SELLING MEDIGAP SALES SUMMITSBE NOTIFIED ABOUT OUR NEXT MED SUPP CONFERENCEClick Here To Learn When We Schedule The Next Med Conrerence Conference2016 NATONAL MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT SUMMITRecorded April 26-27, Kansas City (2 Day Program)FREE Access To Watch 29 Recorded Sessions Watch video with synchronized Power Points on any device with Internet Access.

Click this link now for online access.You will be requested to enter your E-mail. We will use that to let you know about our next National Med Supp Summit.2016 SELLING MEDIGAP INSURANCE SUMMIT - FOR AGENTSRecorded April 25, Kansas City (1 Day Program)Watch 14 sessions filmed at the 1-Day National Medigap Sales Summit.Regular Price: $49.

SPECIAL SAVINGS OFFER: Save $40 (Pay $9 for 1-year of unlimited access. Enter MS2016 in the Coupon Code box during check out.Click the link below to see the available sessions and speakers.Click this link to see the 14 sessions and instant access.2015SELLING MEDIGAP INSURANCE SUMMIT - FOR AGENTSRecorded April 2015 Orlando, FLWatch 14 sessions filmed at the 1-Day National Medigap Sales Summit.Regular Price: $49.

SPECIAL SAVINGS OFFER: Save $30 (Pay $19 for access.)Click the link below to see the available sessions to access.Click this to see the 5 hours of program available and to gain instant access. Sponsorship - Uspplement OpportunitiesOr Conference QuestionsCall (818) 597-3205Medicare Supplement SummitExhibit PackageClick To Request The 2017 PackageShort-Term Care Insurance SummitExhibit PackageClick To Request The 2017 Package � Medicare Supplement Insurance Costs� Long Term Care� Long Term Care Insurance Costs� Long Term Care Insurance Rates� Free Long Term Care Insurance Guides� Long Term Care Reviews Ratings� Critical Illness Insurance� Short Term Care Insurance� Short-Term Care Insurance Insurance information� New York Long Term Care Partnership� Connecticut Long Term Care Partnership� Virtual Insurance Conferences � Home� Upcoming Broadcasts� 2015 Medicare Supplement Sales Summit� 2015 LTC Solutions Sales Summit� On-Demand Library� OUR BEST OFFER!Selling LTC or Medigap� Free Sample: Selling LTC� 2014 Long-Term Care Summit� Sell Long-Term Care Insurance� 2015 Med Supp Conference� Information� Sponsor Benefits� Meet Our Team� Association Partners� FAQ� Contact Tel 818-597-3205� Email Us Complete the form and click submit to receive notice on how to access for free.

Marked fields * donference required.We will Email you the schedule and access information starting 60-days prior.Questions? E-mail us or call 818-597-3205. * Email Address* First Name* Last Name* State/Country* Phone* Primary BusinessYears Selling Insurance* Please answer this 2015 medicare supplement conference question: 1 + 1 =By registering, you are agreeing to allow the data collected to be shared with the sponsors of the event and to be used and offered by the conference organizers.

Privacy policy FREE Session Line-up - Med Supp Sales SummitBy registering, you will have access to a stream of sessions broadcast live from the 2015 Medicare Supplement Sales Summit. Access information will be sent to the Email address you provide.

Sessions are streamed live. You can watch as little - or as much - as you like.The following is the session line-up and times. Four (4) hours conferenxe program will be streamed live supplemeng Orlando. With one click on the link we'll send you, you will be able to watch the free live program stream at anytime during the free broadcast.EXCLUSIVE FOR ONLINE VIEWERS: During the broadcast, you will be able to post questions for our CEO Panel (2:45 PM) and our Top Med Supp Producer Panel (3:30).

Don't miss these two great sessions! Tuesday April 14, 2015 � 10:45 AM - 12:05 PM (Eastern Time Zone)� Med Supp Industry Overview; Where Are Sales Growing?

What's Happening & Why? The Mwdicare of the Affordable Care Act on Medigap Sales� Legislative Update - Federal Update, State-specific Initiatives and What It All Means to Your Future� Your Recipe For Success: The Ultimate Primer For Producers Looking To Start Selling MedigapTuesday April 14, 2015 � 12:05 PM - 1:09 PM (Eastern Time Zone)� How I Got (& Keep) Hundreds Of Medicare Clients: From getting Started To Keeping It Growing� Unbelievably Successful Seminar Selling: From Packing The Room To Leaving With Apps in Hand� 10 Best Med Supp Marketing Must-Dos To Be A Big Fish In A Small PondTuesday April 14, 2015 � 1:10 PM - 2:10 PM (Eastern Time Zone)� Appointment Setting: How To Convert A Direct Mail Lead To An Appointment & Sale� The "Difference Maker" - Using To Prevent Supplemeng Sales To Competitors And Avoid Replacements� The Ultimate Sales Presentation: How To Present & Walk Out With An App In HandTuesday April 14, 2015 � 2:10 PM - 4:00 PM (Eastern Time Zone)� Intelligently Use Med Supp Competitive Intelligence Software To Walk Out With The Sale� Selling Med Supp Over The Phone: How To Get Started - How To Be Successful� The Medicare Supplement Insurance CEO Panel - Heads of Leading Med Supp Insurers will discuss the future of the industry.

Online viewers will be able to submit questions via our LIVE CHAT feature. Attend The Actual Conference ItselfThe confrence National Medicare Supplement Summit is the only national event 100% focused on Medigap.Click this link to access complete conference program and registration information.Conference Dates: April 13-15, 2015 - Orlando, Florida �All Content Copyright � 2013-2016All Rights Reserved � Sales Creators, Inc.818-597-3205Privacy Policy�Our partner organizationsAmerican Association for Long-Term Care InsuranceAmerican Association for Medicare Supplement InsuranceAmerican Association for Critical Illness InsuranceNational Advisory Center for Short-Term Care Insurance�Long Term Care Insurance costs information Medicare Supplement agents Short-Term Care Insurance Information/a>Short-Term Care Insurance/a> 2016 Medicare Supplement Insurance Industry SummitThe only national conference 100% focused on Medicare SupplementApril 25 - 27, 2016, Kansas City, MO.

Expecting Our Largest Medigap Conference To Date . DON'T MISS IT! CONFERENCE PROGRAM INFORMATION 2015 Medicare Supplement Insurance Conference Program - 25+ SessionsListed below are sessions for the 2015 Medicare Supplement Insurance conference. The program is being completed but the information will help you plan your travel and hotel arrangements.SEE MOST CURRENT PROGRAM SESSIONS AND SPEAKERSClick this link to see the latest programinformation including speakers.Updated: October 22, 2014 Monday April 13, 2015 3:00 - 5:30 PMRegistration Desk Opens - Exhibit Hall OpensYour first opportunity to meet with exhibitors, sponsors and fellow attendees.6:00 - 7:30 PMWelcome Networking ReceptionOpen bar reception for conference registrants.

Followed by dinner on your own.Tuesday April 14, 2015Today we will stream sessions live online from conferenxe of the conference ballrooms. These sessions meeicare focus on the marketing and sale of Med Supp products. Conference attendees are welcome to attend the sessions in person.

Those NOT attending, should sign-up to watch the free online stream.7:30 AM BreakfastBreakfast Keynote AdresssDescription:9:15 - 10:30 AM SESSIONSBest Practices In Claims ManagementAn experienced look at managing the most effective strategies currently being utilized confeeence maintain claims processing and ajudication.

Latest ways automation has confreence measurable gains in quality and operational efficiency.A Look Into The Consumer Agent Relationship-Findings From Gen Re Consumer ResearchIn this session, the audience will hear results from Gen Re's recentconsumer research study in which consumer engagement with agents wasexplored. At what point during the purchasing process do consumers seekassistance from an agent? What role does the agent play in the first sale,and at AEP?

How does the agent educate the consumer? The answers to thesequestions and more will be discussed during the session. 10:45 - 12:00 PM SESSIONSMed Supp Today: Med Supp Tomorrow - Latest Data & ForecastsA rapidfire look at the latest and greatest industry analysis will explain how the conferrence landscape has changed,trends in rate decreases and increases and project market growth rates.

Where do experts predict the grestestgrowth opportunities lie? What challenges will you want to try to avoid?The Buying Process From The Consumers' PerspectiveHear consumer stories about their experiences when shopping for and buying a Medicare plan.

How they navigated the sea confeernce product materials and plan choices. What questions they had and how they arrived at their plan selection. Generate new ideas for selling by looking at the buying process through the eyes of the consumer.12:10 PM LuncheonKeynote: Path To Purchase: Medicare's Future CustomersThe Medicare customer journey now cuts across every marketing and sales channel: mail, call center, digital, social, mobile, brokers and retail.

Understanding the real drivers of Medicare customer decision-making will help personalize the shopping and buying experience.

The new path to purchase.2:00 - 3:15 PM SESSIONSMed Supp Trends; How Low Can They Go?Are the days of 9% trends gone? Are today's lower trends supplfment to stay? Find out supllement the industry is seeing, how companies are reacting, 215 expectations for the future.

Are lower trends good or bad for profitability? The answer may not be as obvious as it seems. Understanding And Capitalizing On Regional Variations In Med SuppAn in-depth look at area factors / regional variations in claim costs. Company penetration and loss ratio experience by region. Competitive rates and marketing challenges by region. Experts will also share productand rate compliance by region.3:45 - 5:00 PM SESSIONSMed Supp Rate Structure AlignmentAre poor financial results and/or sales due to the misalignment of rate structure?

Presenters discuss underlying dynamics of risk classification and challenges and solutions to determine the level of rate alignment against both expected costs as well as competition. Also regulatory approaches and challenges to rate structure realignment. Customer Acquisition Methouds and ManagementA panel discussion on next generation methods of acquiring new customers and ways to effectively manage acquisition costs. From Internet generated prospects, telemarketing for customer leads, data driven targetingour experts supplmeent share different approaches and thoughts on best practices and answer your specific questions.5:30 - 7:00 PM Networking ReceptionGreat opportunityo to meet with speakers, sponsors, exhibitors and connect with your peers.

Followed by dinner on your own.Wednesday April 15, 2015 7:30 AM BreakfastKeynote: New To Medicare - Boomers Are Changing The GameThis is not the Medicare game of just five years ago. Today we�re seeing the leading boomers conferemce in the work force past 65, 66, 67 and postponing the Par� Quoting� Plan Comparison� Plan Pricing� Products� Quoting Tools Portal� Mobile App Portal� Document Library� Tutorials� Agent Website Plugin� Data Feeds� Product Guides� Actuarial� Actuarial Services� Actuarial Resources� Product Development� Compliance & Regulatory� Customized Feeds & Reporting� About� History� Team� Careers� News� Contact 2015 Medicare Supplement Conference to Offer Free Online Broadcastby CSG Actuarial | Feb 25, 2015 | CSG Actuarial News, Insurance Industry, Medicare Supplement, Medicare Supplement Online Database | 0 comments The 2015 Medicare Supplement Insurance Sales Summit will be held in Orlando, FL from April 13-15, 2015.

The conference brings together the nation�s leading insurers, actuarial and administrative firms, marketing organizations, and consultants.CSG Actuarial will be exhibiting and presenting at the conference this year, but for those who cannot attend, there will be a free online broadcast of some of the top sessions from the conference, held live on April 14, 2015.

Online attendees will have the opportunity to chat with other attendees and post questions for the CEO panel and the Top Med Supp Producers panel.To sign up for the free broadcast and view details of the 6 free sessions, register here.Don�t forget to stop by the CSG Actuarial booth and visit with members of the CSG team!For more information about the conference, visit the American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance: Recent Posts� Industry Conferenec Medicare Part D Trends and Life Insurance Application Activity� Industry Updates: Cigna Medicare Advantage and Individual Life Insurance Premium Growth� Competitive Intelligence Guides � Accident Guide Update for Q3 2016� How are Hospital Suppkement carriers underwriting?� Who�s hot in Hospital Indemnity Insurance? Categories� Accident� Cancer� Competitive Intelligence� Critical Illness� CSG Actuarial News� Final Expense Life� Flash Report� Insurance Industry� Life Insurance� Long Term Care� Market Potential Alert� Medicare Advantage� Medicare Supplement� Medicare Supplement Online Database� NAIC Data� news� Senior Hospital Indemnity� Short-Term Care� Technology� Uncategorized Archives� September 2016� August 2016� July 2016� June 2016� May 2016� April 2016� March 2016� February 2016� January 2016� December 2015� November 2015� October 2015� September 2015� August 2015� July 2015� June 2015� May 2015� April 2015� March 2015� February 2015� January 2015� December 2014� November 2014� October 2014� September 2014� August 2014� July 2014� June 2014� May 2014� April 2014� March 2014� February 2014� January 2014� December 2013� November 2013� October 2013� September 2013� August 2013� July 2013� June 2013� May 2013� April 2013� March 2013� February 2013� January 2013� December 2012� November 2012� October 2012� September 2012� August 2012� July 2012� June 2012� May 2012� April 2012� March 2012� February 2012� January 2012� December 2011� November 2011� October 2011� September 2011� August 2011� July 2011� June 2011� May 2011� April 2011� March 2011� February 2011� January 2011� December 2010� November 2010� October 2010� September 2010� August 2010 Recent Posts� Industry Updates: Medicare Part D Trends and Life Insurance Application Activity� Industry Updates: Cigna Medicare Coonference and Individual Life Insurance Premium Growth� Competitive Intelligence Guides � Accident Guide Update for Q3 2016 Accident Cancer Competitive Intelligence Critical Illness CSG Actuarial News Final Expense Life Flash Report Insurance Industry Life Medicafe Long Term Care Market Potential Alert Medicare Advantage Medicare Supplement Medicare Supplement Online Database NAIC Data news Senior Hospital Indemnity Short-Term Care Technology Uncategorized

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